This Christmas, some generous supporters have “adopted” and are helping these families in need! We’ve been coming alongside these moms and their children, building relationships rooted in Christ’s love and ministering to their needs with compassion and care. Through the kindness of our supporters, these families will receive gifts, clothing, food, and other essentials that bring joy and hope during a challenging time.
Families Adopted for Christmas!
Meet the Families

Domestic violence led “Bubbles” and her baby boy to be without a home for two years. She heard about the services offered by the Union Gospel Mission and utilized them often to help her son and herself. Bubbles and her giggly two-year-old boy attended our Women’s Bible study weekly. Their beautiful smiles and laughter brightened up our day and the day of many guests attending our clothes closet and showers. Despite the hardship she faced, her faith, encouraged by our Bible studies helped her to keep going. Now on track to graduate a local women’s support program, she has her sights set on a “thriving career as a marketing consultant.” Fueled by her faith, aided by her charm and charisma, we think she will do well.
Looking back on her journey she described being homeless as “not feeling good.” “Facing the difficulty of not having a safe place for her son and herself” affected her “mental health and ability to function.” She understands the need to heal and believes that homeless people need to find “inner healing and do inner work” to get through it. We and Bubbles know that inner healing comes through the gospel of Christ. “My baby and I are so blessed that people like you donate to the mission.” Bubbles said “The work and the donations do not go unnoticed. Although I do not look like the people you typically see as homeless, your donations are on track to assist us mentally, and physically. Please keep giving because someone is using it, someone like me is appreciating it.”

Pregnant with 3-year-old Noah by her side, Nia joined the Union Gospel Mission Women’s study followed by shopping. Fighting a legal battle with a landlord, she and Noah were placed in the homeless shelter next to UGM while the landlord prepared a new apartment for them. One year later, they were given that apartment, just in time for the birth of her little girl Harmoney. Harmoney was born with a heart defect and stayed in the hospital for 5 months. Little Harmoney’s two heart surgeries combined with much-needed therapy have left this sweet mother financially hurting and needy.
Being homeless was “hurtful, beyond hurtful. People don’t understand and judge. The pain of hearing, ‘Mom, I’m hungry’. He thinks I’m Super Mom, but I can’t always make it happen for them. It’s so hard. My kids depend on me for shelter and food, and I will do anything to care for my kids. I am very grateful for the Mission. It’s a struggle to give my baby and boy clothes, blankets, hygiene, and food. The Mission has helped provide all that.”
Nia’s life has changed since coming here because Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” She shares, “That hour of service helps me feel protected by the Lord, not lose hope, or lose my way. Homeless people need love, care, being seen as you, not as homeless.” Nia remains hopeful, although the financial struggles are real. Sweet little Harmony’s medical future is unpredictable at this point, but she is recovering well. Noah hopes to join a sports program, such as taekwondo or flag football to become like his favorite team The Steelers.
Nia wants to thank you for sending help. She says it is “making a difference in our lives. Your giving changes a whole lot for the lives of the homeless. Please don’t give up on them or their families.”

Quiona started coming to the mission soon after losing her job and moving her family into a motel. Picking up work such as “Bell Ringing” helped her pay the bills and provide small meals cooked on a hot plate for her six children. Quiona was determined to keep them in that room until opportunities came to move elsewhere. She refused to have her children sleep in a car or panhandle and worked hard to make that not happen. The mission has been a great assistance in providing food and clothing and encouraging her spiritually. She finds great hope during the women’s devotional before shopping in the Women’s Clothes Closet.
“God can bless us in a few minutes,” she says to her friends trying to get them to come hear the Word as well. Recently, God provided an apartment for herself and her last remaining child, 9-year-old Quion who often comes to the Clothes Closet with her. Encouraged to seek God’s will for her future, Quiona is enrolled in school and is looking forward to one day owning her own home. “Thank you, donors, for sharing Jesus and prayers. I don’t know what I would do without you.”