Badge Colors
Badge colors represent different phases of the program as your progress through and are to be worn at all times when on campus. The ten-month program is split up into three phases that lasts a total of ten months. Graduates of the New Life Program are identified by their white badges.
The following phases and their duration are as follows:
Red Phase – 30 days
Green Phase – 4 months
Blue Phase – 5 months
White Badge – Represents you have graduated the New Life Program and are staying on campus while you work, save, serve, and prepare for life.
Below are brief outlines of each phase requirements.
30 Day Black Out where candidate must stay on campus unless otherwise approved for appointments, court dates, or needed doctor visits. The focus will be on learning the gospel. There will be four weeks of curriculum; God, Man, Jesus, and Response. At the end of 30 days, there will be a consensus about the candidate moving on as they will be determining if we are a good fit for them, as UGM will be assessing them. Below is an outline of the Red Phase:
- 30 day “blackout”
- Program Rules Comprehension
- Curriculum
- God
- Humanity
- Solution
- Response
- Memorize and Explain assigned Bible verses.
- One-on-One Biblical Counseling – (4 main sessions)
- Written Request to Advance (100 words for each question)
- How do I view God?
- How do I view myself in relation to God?
- What is the gospel?
- What do I hope life will look like one year from now?
- Why do I want to move forward with this program?
Once a person has completed the Red Phase, he will move on to Green. Now he gets a day off, but days off vary with serving role. He can leave from 9:00 AM, after Bible Study class, and will return no later than 2:45 PM. This phase is four months, and the curriculum focuses on doctrine. He will be assessed and interviewed to progress further. Family visitation is authorized following the conditions set forth:
- He has been in the Program for 30 days
- He is current on all Program assignments
- He is not on restriction
Below is an outline of the Green Phase:
- 4 Month duration
- Curriculum – Essential Doctrines
- The Canon of Scripture
- Introduction to the Bible
- How to Know the Bible
- God – His Character and Attributes
- The Person of Jesus Christ
- The Work of Christ
- Salvation/Doctrines of Grace
- The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Prayer and the Believer
- The Church – Fellowship and Worship
- Spiritual Gifts
- Evangelism and the Believer
- Obedience
- God’s Will and Guidance
- Memorize and Explain assigned Bible verses.
- One-on-One Biblical Counseling – (16 main sessions)
- Written Request to Advance (100 words for each question)
- Who is God?
- How do I view myself in relation to God?
- What is the gospel?
- How does the gospel apply to daily life?
- Where do I foresee myself in two years? (Describe in detail)
- Church involvement
- Living situation
- Employment
In the last half of the New Life Program, the Chaplain Care Team will be involved in a collaborative effort to prepare the New Life man for life and to be sent back into society and a local church. The day off will be from 9:00 AM to 10:00PM as they begin to practice wisdom in the world. The curriculum will focus on Practical Theology, such as biblical views on work, money, and living a responsible, Christ pleasing life, reconciling relationships, and applying what was learned through he program. The program is personalized and could include a final graduation paper to be read to a panel of staff, book assignments and reviews to write, or other appropriate assignments given at the discretion of the Chaplain Care Team.
A Yellow Badge is a Disciplinary Badge. It is given to someone who has broken a Rule set forth by the Mission. You can only receive 2 of these in the 9 months. If you receive another you will be asked to leave.
A Pink Badge is an Academic Probation Badge. The person has fallen behind in their studies or has failed to turn in work.
If a program man receives a Yellow or Pink Badge, he loses his privileges. Which are, he cannot leave the property on his day off, he cannot use the fitness area, he cannot use the phone, he cannot use the TV room or computer room.