What is the Mission of the church, why does UGM ultimately exist, and why should I desire to take up leadership of this work with the support of my fellow elders, church, and UGM board?
The streets of Sacramento are home to many hundreds of people. They are the least in our city, materially speaking. They are forgotten people who live in tents, under tarpaulins, under bridges, or, as I saw this morning at 7:00 am, simply sleep on the sidewalk in sleeping bags. They are marked by serious mental health issues, serious addiction issues, serious sin issues, and serious suffering due to all sorts of things. However, I also believe they are also image-bearers of God in need of help and hope.
As I considered this shift in ministry work, I found myself asking a serious question.
Do I truly believe there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun?
I know that I believe in heaven, but do I truly believe in hell? Do I truly believe that these souls I see on our streets and who come through our doors are heading for a place worse than they are presently in? I’ve studied my bible for decades, and I’ve forgotten more theological reading than many will ever be exposed to. Do I believe in eternal punishment for sin?
God’s word is clear, there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun, this is sobering and serious. It is our sins, separating us from God that we must be justly punished for by Him because He is the just and righteous creator. The remedy to our plight of heading to the eternal fire as guilty sinners is found in Jesus Christ, it is in Christ that God saves us from God. This is GOOD NEWS. Offering hope, deliverance, and eternal life.
At our Mission, we offer material aid to the poor and needy of our city, but we also bring to them something even more important: the message of God’s salvation in Jesus Christ. It is the message of eternal salvation in Christ, which, if believed, will save them from the eternal fire of God.
This was the testimony of 30-year-old C, whom I spent time with this morning. His testimony will come out in the future, for sure. Today, he told me he believes he has come to faith in Christ and hates his old ways. He is in attendance with us at IBC and is being disciplined by Chris, our Director of Chaplaincy. My heart overflows with rejoicing to see what God is doing in his life.
Hell is a hard doctrine, Eternal Fire is a terrifying prospect, BUT GOD in Christ calls us to trust in Him and be saved. There is pardon for your sin and peace with your Creator through believing in His wrath-bearing servant, Jesus Christ.
My first week of leading UGM has come to an end. It has been a great blessing to my soul, but there is much to do.
Pray for us and come for a visit. I’d love to show you around.
-Pastor Robert Briggs