Staff Spotlight:
Meet Kim Souza our Women's Outreach Coordinator

What are your job duties?
As Women’s Outreach Coordinator, my focus is being a missionary to women of our community. We have a wonderful women’s ministry where I strive to meet each guest personally to share our hope in Jesus. Additionally, I manage some amazing Godly women who volunteer their spare time here to serve our female guests. We have fun working together and imputing our spiritual experiences to the women who attend our weekly bible study. Whether a woman wanders down the sidewalk for a needed item or comes shopping in our clothing closet, I/we get to share Jesus with them and make sure they know they are loved and wanted.
What is your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part of the job is the ministry. After staying home and raising four boys, I wanted to serve the Lord in some way in the next part of my life. I am blessed that He led me here where I can utilize my experiences, spiritual gifts, and talents to serve Him and the ladies of the community. I love working here because I am never bored and not tied to my desk. My work has so many different facets there is never a dull moment!
How does the Lord help you in your job?
Daily, I am reminded that it isn’t about me, which covers all aspects of working with homeless or downtrodden women. From the successes to the struggles, and even failures, He is reminding me it’s about Him. He equips me through my personal relationship with Him, which makes it necessary for me to be in His Word and prayer daily! I have a sign in my office that reads, “You are here to support, NOT rescue; that is MY job!” Jesus. He told me that on my first day of work, I rest in that.
What do you hope to accomplish? (Short-term and/or long-term).
I am praying for God’s direction for the women’s ministry of Union Gospel Mission regarding more bible studies, activities to uplift and encourage women, female showers, a women’s rehabilitation program, and one-day housing. Wherever God leads, I want to follow.
Anything you’d like to share with our readers?
I would like to encourage my sisters in Christ to take stock of your gifts, actively seek where God wants you to use them, and have faith to follow His direction. We are always in need of women who have a desire to serve the homeless and downtrodden. I welcome you! It’s a ministry that will fine-tune your own faith and help someone find theirs. And remember, God equips those He calls!

Kim shares an everyday story
Jesus is our first assignment, sharing the hope, grace, and love available to all in our Lord and Savior. Our second is to support and encourage our guests through the many donations that we have here.
One board member, Donny Fletcher, strongly desires to see that our first assignment is fulfilled. He aids us by bringing the Daily Bread Devotionals to be passed out to the homeless, offering them some positive reading while they sit on the sidewalks.
Yesterday, a bedraggled man came down our driveway and approached our receiving warehouse. He asked for a book and pointed to the table between us. “I want a book,” pointing to the table. He was referring to the Daily Bread. He wanted nothing more than Jesus! This man knew the importance of feeding his spirit before caring for his physical needs. What a sweet reminder of what should come first in all our lives.
Thank you, Donny, and all our donors who know that a person’s spiritual needs must be met before the man’s heart can be changed. You are vital to this ministry; we are so thankful for you!