Giving thanks for YOU
Jeff shares how your support changed his life!
“I was trapped, imprisoned in my own addiction.”
Jeff’s parents abused him when he was a little boy and he grew up with deep, emotional wounds. “If I couldn’t trust my own mom and dad, I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone, so I put up walls to protect myself.”
Alone behind those walls, with no one to help him heal, Jeff turned to alcohol and drugs to numb his pain. “I was trapped, imprisoned in my own addiction,” he says.
But he was a functioning addict, able to hold down a job, provide for his family, and keep his bondage a secret. “I hid behind a mask for more than 20 years.”
Then Jeff began to sense God calling him to come out of hiding. “He was pressing on my heart to trust the people around me,” Jeff says. “Finally, I told my wife, my child, and my in-laws the truth.”
Jeff’s trust was well-placed. His family began praying for him and God answered their prayers by leading him to the Mission. That’s when Jeff entered our New Life Program and was transformed. “God opened my eyes to His truth of the Gospel. I repented and turned my life over to Jesus Christ, and it changed who I am.”
“God got a hold of my heart and transformed my life.”
Through discipleship and life skills classes, Jeff also found healing for his childhood trauma and learned to live out his newfound faith. “The Mission changed my heart and mind, through God’s Word,” he says.
Jeff graduated in March of this year and he thanks God for being able to return to his former job, move back home with his wife and daughter, and be the godly husband and father they deserve. “I’ve become the man God always intended – an ambassador of Jesus, living in His righteousness.”
This fall, Jeff gives thanks for YOU and your incredible generosity. Your prayers and support have helped change his life. “I was separated from God, on a path of self-destruction, but the Mission saved me. Now, I’m a new creation in Christ.”
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