Dear Friends,

It has been decided to cancel our Charitable Golf Tournament due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because it takes a great deal of time to prepare, months in advance, we will wait until May 2021, to hold the next one.  We have already begun processing refunds.

The UGM Staff are continuing our essential services for the homeless and the poor with adjustments based on CDC, State, and County guidelines.  We have continued with showers, clothing, shoes, handing out many essential items, and bagged meals every night.  Our Food Box Program has increased to help poor families and seniors who are struggling even more so.  The moral of our men in the Residential Rehabilitation Program is healthy and they have even formed a strong commitment and bond through this crisis.  

We trust our sovereign God for His continued faithfulness to fulfill our ministry and to make everlasting life-changes through the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word.

Thank you for your continued partnership, and for your prayers, especially during this time of crisis.  Because of you, our suffering neighbors have a place of help and hope at a Gospel-centered Mission.

We hope and pray God’s loving hands are keeping you all healthy and well, strengthened and encouraged by His faithful promises. 

Psalm 121:1-2  I will lift up my eyes to the hills—from whence comes my help?  My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

In Christ’s Mercy and Grace,

Pastor Tim Lane

Executive Director

Please do not hesitate to call me at (916) 447-3268 or email at should you have any questions.  To stay up to date with Mission outreaches, go, and if you are on social media, find our pages on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. 

With your Help there is Hope

Union Gospel Mission exists to bring hope, help and change to the “Least of these” people trapped in poverty, substance abuse, and life’s most challenging trials. In 2019, UGM served 108,230 meals, provided shelter to 21,900 men, gave 53,960 items of clothing to men, women and children, handed many other critical  items and services to folks in the most dire conditions.


Your Support Builds UGM’s Core Programs:

  • Men’s 9-month,
    Residential Drug &
    Alcohol Rehabilitation
  • Homeless Shelter and
    Many Resources
  • 9,000 Meals Given
    Per Month
  • Food Box Program
    for Families and Seniors
  • Women’s Clothing Closet for the Homeless and Poor Women and their Children
  • Men’s Clothing & Showers
  • Mailroom and Barber
  • Winter Warming Center
  • Christ-Centered Ministry Sharing the Gospel Every Day—Romans 1:16


  • Prize Sponsorships………..……..$75 to $175
  • Tee Sponsor/Driving………………..…….….$200
  • Men’s/Women’s Closest to the Tee….$300
  • Men’s/Women’s Longest Drive………….$300
  • Straightest Drive…………………………….……$300
  • On the Green……..…………………………..….…$500
  • Putting Contest….……………………………..…$500
  • Outdrive the Pro……………………………..……$500

Premier Sponsors:

  • Beverage Sponsor………….……$1,000
  • Silver Sponsor….……….………….$2,500
  • Gold Sponsor…………….…….……$3,500
  • Platinum Sponsor…………………$5,000

Premier Sponsorships includes customized benefits tailored to your business with website, social media promotions, player registrations, and much more.

For questions and to sign up, please contact Danny Vanek at (916) 600-3087 or

Click Here To Register NowClick Here For More Information